Valorant Skin Changer is an amazing valorant cheat where you can get all game skins for free. All skins will be unlocked and you can get them all, you can add whatever you want to your equipment if you wish. Valorant Skin Hack unlocks all weapons skins, color packs and makes you have the perfect look. This cheat is only visible to you, but even that is enough.
It is really great that you can get any knife you want in Valorant, for example, it is a great skin changer cheat where you can even get the champions league butterfly which is one of the best knives.

How to Use Valorant Skin Changer Cheat
- Download the cheat from the “Download” button below.
- Extract the archive anywhere. (Password:123)
- Inject the cheat into the game with one of the injectors made for Valorant.
- All skins will be unlocked!
- Have fun.
Skin Changer Tutorial
So first of all, Download SigThief from github
After that, get every files in one folder, like this:

Done? Ok, now go to the following directory:
C:\Riot Games\VALORANT\live\ShooterGame\Binaries\Win64\
Copy the file “stub.dll” in the SigThief file
And rename the UnlockAll Dll “Cheat.dll”
Now, open a CMD in the same directory and enter this command: -i stub.dll -t Cheat.dll -o CompPkgSup.dll
And finally, move “CompPkgSup.dll” to the folder:
C:\Riot Games\VALORANT\live\ShooterGame\Binaries\Win64\
And Voila ! Start Valorant, and boom ! You have every single Valorant Skins !
Download Valorant Skin Changer Cheat
parola ne
Password: 123
Watch tutorial video.
please speak english only
Çok kolay sadece indirdiğin CompPkgSup.dll yi alıp
C:\Riot Games\VALORANT\live\ShooterGame\Binaries\Win64\
buraya atıcaksın .
açıklamadaki gibi yaptım olurmu cmd falan
yapmayın ban yiyorsunuz
video dakileri yaptım ama çalışmadı
Try doing what it says in the article.
ABİ fix yemiş konttrol eder misin sürekli ban atıyo
the video is not like the artical can u do another one
fix yemiş yenilermisiniz
We’ll update it when the cheat’s developer updates it.
Lütfen guncelleyin hile fix yemiş olmuyo
son güncellemeden sonra olmuyor
no cheat fix
Wait for new update from Developer
fix yedi
can you renew the cheat not working after update
The developer may update it soon. If it is not updated, you can find the rogue valorant skin changer in our valorant category to be updated.
Lütfen yeni skin changer gelsin
It was just updated yesterday.
not working with latest update please help
The developer may update it soon. If it is not updated, you can find the rogue valorant skin changer in our valorant category to be updated.
rar password ?
Is it safe now?
there is only the risk of ban, other than that there is no virus.
And wait for the new update of the cheat and follow it on our site.
I wonder if there are different Valorant Skin Changer, only Skin Changer
There is a cheat with 1 more skin changer on our website, but there are not only skin changers, but also features such as aimbot esp.
I wonder if there are different Valorant Skin Changer, only Skin Changer
sorry i posted wrong
when will the new update come?
Last Update: 5.11.2022
When I download it in an updated way and do the video, it doesn’t work, why?
Hi,is it fixed?
When I download it in an updated way and do the video, it doesn’t work, why?
Did you refresh the page and download the latest version of the cheat?
fps drops a lot
nasıl yaptın knk
yeni güncelleme geldi giriliyoda fps drop yiyom baya oynanmıyo
Knk dcen varmi ekliyeyim konusalim
Knk bi sekilde oldu ama fps 60 iken 20 lere dusuyor neden
hocam windows 7 de geçerlimidir?
I’m pretty sure it won’t work stably.
Hello, after making a pattern in the cheat, contractions begin in the game, I would be glad if you would convey good afternoon
Nothing came to my account.
Make sure you’re doing it right.
dosyayı bir türlü masa üstüne alamadım
Download Winrar
ban yedım fix yedı galıba
”Copy the file “stub.dll” in the SigThief file” HOWW???
Just put the downloaded file in valorant’s file location.
Even though I did all of them, it doesn’t appear in the collection, can you help me?
Just drag the DLL to the game file location. You will not do any external action, if it does not work you should wait for the new update. have a nice day
I Get Main VAN 0 Error When I Enter The Game But I Don’t Get It If I Delete The Cheat From The Main File
please wait for the new update. Join our discord server to stay informed:
I was using the cheat, but it has been working since 16.11.2022, when the game was updated yesterday, the cheat became inactive. Can you help me?
Wait for new update.
when will the update come
admin, the new update has arrived, the cheat is broken, we are waiting for the new version
when will the update come
ne zaman düzelcek 2 gündür pasif
oyunu güncelledikten sonra hile çalışmıyor fix mi yedi
It doesn’t worked. I watch the video I tried but It doesn’t worked. I tried what if says on the article, It doesnt worked too!
wait for new update
güncelleyin artık yaa
dude i’m doing everything but i can’t export this cheat file it says the file is blocked for an unspecified reason while transferring
wait for new update
Pls update 5.10 that’s released for 5.10
Updated now.
fix yedi.
download and try again.
ben yapıyorum güncellemeden önce oluyodu şimdi olmuyo internet cafede yapıyorum normalde oluyodu ne yaptım napmadım olmadı
download and try again.
yeni güncellemeyle ilgili video çeker misiniz lütfen
valorant fixed skin changer pls uptade its deleting
indirdim ama CompPkgSup.dll yok
Please write in english.
how to activate the cheat
Read article
fix script bro plssss
video yayınlar mısınız ? yeni versiyonu yapamadım video yayınlarsanız sevirim
Will you post videos? I couldn’t make a new version, I would love it if you post a video
Can you inject and share
abi ben yapiodum ama son güncelemeden sonra girince olmuyordu düzelttiniz ama suan nasıl kurulayacagini anlamadim makeleyi okudum video yu izledim
Can you post videos? I couldn’t make the new version, I would love it if you post a video
Why is the cheat not active?
LÜtfen güncellermisinizzz
Klasör de comppkgsup.dll dosyası bulunmuyor lütfen güncelleyin
Yeni guncelleme ne zaman
bro link change this is no have CompPkgSup.dll
this is unworking van 0 error
C:\Riot Games\VALORANT\live\ShooterGame\Binaries\Win64\ c değil de d yapsamda olmuyor
this is unworking van 0 error
ben dosyayı attım ama olmadı
While the Valorant client is open, remove it again and log out, then put the dll file in the win64 location again, log in and try again.
hey HooHaa.we need tutorial on new folder that injects the script. i know, i’m doing everything exact in descruption. but its not working. It will really help us if you post new tutorial. (the tutorial video you posted is out dated)
Hello, Compkg file has been updated with the last update. What you need to do is to throw the dll to the location in the video, then run the game Valorant will make an update. Then you will throw it again from the win64 folder, then log out from the valorant client and log in again and it will be successful. Try.
bro its dont work i try 🙁
bro it gives us VAN:0 Error is there any solution for this?
Restart VALORANT and Riot Client.
Herşeyi videodakine göre yapmama rağmen çalışmıyor
Try it with the P100 Injector method we shared recently.
Skin changer olmuyo atıyorum dosyayı ama olmuyo lutfen guncelleyin
van 0 error please update
güncellermisiniz VAN 0 Hatası.
Pleasegüncellermisiniz VAN 0 Hatası.
would i get ip banned
Of course, there is the risk of ban. You can take
Klasörün içinde farklı belge var
Hello someone to help me?
İçindeki dosya yanlış ve olmuyo
is this bannable or not
Of course it’s risky.Open it with the spoofer.
it’s not working, please help, I’m trying to sing, but the hookloader can’t be pressed, help
You will drag the DLL onto the hookloader. You will not open it, if your anti virus programs are active, disable them.
beyler şuanda yapması biraz zor eskiden dosyayı C:\Riot Games\VALORANT\live\ShooterGame\Binaries\Win64\ buraya atıyoduk şuanda işler farklı
ban riski var mı
Of course
[…] Valorant Skin Changer Hack All Skins FREE […]
Can somebody help me I dont understand anything and Im already watched the tutorial video but still nothing changed
çalışıyomu belirğtin pls
abi hile gg yeni hileleri bekliyoruz
comppkgsup.dll yok klasorde
There is a new injector, use it with it.
not working
With the 31/01/2023 patch the file gets detected instantly by riot vanguard
i’m waiting for the update my friend you’re doing this job
gerçekten cok hosuma gitti yitik vandal kullanıyorum.
Is the cheat fixed and the cheat is ip ban?
i dont know but i use injector i inject and game crash ,maybe fixed?
Use the p100 injector.
bro plz esp – aim for
bende setwindowshookex-injoctermaster yok
aga ben 4 ay ban yedim kullandım diye
bide dc adresini verrimsiniz girilmiyorda
ban yedirtir mi
ban yediriyormu