Hi, today I am introducing an amazing GTA V Kiddions Mod Menu Hack. It works very well and flawlessly, and the cheat is constantly updated in every gta v update. It is one of the best cheats working in GTA 5 Version 1.63 and all its features are working flawlessly. It includes a wide variety of features such as immortality, you can buy the car you want and modify it as you wish. You can do many features such as money cheat, casino cheat. It is completely free and extremely reliable gta 5 online cheat.

FAQ – GTA V Kiddions mod menu hack
- Downloading the menu fails/”Why is Windows Defender/Avast/… saying this is a virus?”
This mod is looking for key-presses (to navigate the menu) and is reading/writing to the memory of another process and some AV are nervous about that. This mod has been manually reviewed thoroughly by a forum’s file moderator and is considered safe, otherwise it wouldn’t have been approved. - “Why aren’t my numpad keys working?”
please toggle Numlock On. - “I can start/navigate the menu, but none of the options seem to work?!”
If you can navigate the menu, but none of the menu options seem to work, something on your side is blocking the menu from accessing gta5.exe, this isn’t something anyone can fix but you. it is most likely caused by your anti-virus, please make an exclusion, disable your AV or switch to a better one. (And remember, Windows Defender is an AV too…) For Windows 11, make sure “Core Isolation” is disabled and if you’re trying to disable Windows Defender, make sure you are doing it right,
In some cases, especially on Steam, you may need to run the mod “As Administrator” (when the game was started “As Administrator” too, e.g. after an update). - “Can I run this in a VM?”
No. - “Why can I only see the menu when I <alt>+<tab> out of the game?”
In full screen mode, the game has exclusive access to the screen, the menu can’t draw on top of it. Like any external, please run in windowed or windowed borderless mode. - “Why does the menu instantly close when I open it?”
To anyone having the problem where the menu instantly closes when you open it, tap the 0 on NUMPAD a few times and try to open the menu again, that should help.
- “Can I use this online?”
Yes, some functions only work when online. - “Can I spawn for others?”
If you spawn an anonymous vehicle, others should be able to access that too. And you can spawn multiple anonymous vehicles as long as you don’t keep standing at the exact same spot. - “What do the exclamation marks mean?”
- Thermal vision: can potentially crash your game when used online. Make sure you’ve researched thermal vision first (Bunker Research).
- Forge Model for LSC: Use this properly or you’ll end up with a Sentinel XS. Also, people close to you (e.g. in car) may crash if you enable it, so use it with caution
- Get Lucky Wheel Price: when used, others in your session can/may notice, also abusing it is considered risky.
- Rig Slot Machines: when used, others in your session can/may notice, also abusing it is considered risky.
- “Does this menu have any money options?”
This mod has a strong focus on enhancing the regular gameplay, rather than add loads of money fast. However, there are a couple of ways to make some extra money. E.g. you can upgrade the npc money pickups in the game, get better money rewards for e.g. doing daily missions and mission jobs, do IE/MC/Bunker missions without cooldown and more. It is also possible to drop money on either yourself of players in sight (either near you or while spectating).
The best way at the moment is by using the “Minimum Job Payout” and start a mission like “Blow Up II” that’s going to fail when you blow up all vehicles. When the mission has started, go to the World section in the mod menu and scroll to “Kill All Cars”.
Now you can repeatedly:- Press Numpad5 (kill all cars, failing the mission)
- Wait a couple of seconds (about 10 seconds)
- Press “PageUp” (Quick restart)
- Wait about 50 seconds for the mission to load.
This will make you 100k/minute. I hear you can tweak it to go even faster, with a 20s total for each cycle.
- “Does this work for any GTA version other than what the menu was made for?”
Probably not. The online services and online spawn definitely won’t. - “Can I get banned?”
You can always get banned when you are reported, even when you aren’t using any mods. So far external menu’s have never been detected. Nevertheless using options such as Godmode and teleporting are dangerous when used around other players. - “Can I add custom teleport locations?”
Yes you can use the “Add Current Location” in the Teleport => Custom Locations menu. You can use if for one session, or save your new locations using “Save Config” in the Menu Settings. - “Why can’t I receive MC/CEO invites anymore?”
Disable the Kick to Single Player protection. Sending malformed invites is one of the most common way of “sending” others to single player, that’s why this feature is disabled when the Kick to Single Player protection is on. - “Why is my RP level reset after changing a session/restart?”
After setting the desired RP level, you need to make some additional RP for it to stick.

GTA V Kiddions Mod Menu Hack Features
- Game Settings
- Player Options
- Vehicle Mods
- Weapons
- World Changer
- Teleport
- Unlocks
- Online Services (casino and more)
- Vehicle Spawner
- Online Protection
Known Issues of GTA 5 Kiddions Cheat
- v0.9.4 Spawning a vehicle maxed will cause the game to crash for certain vehicles. This is caused by E&E content vehicle upgrades that are in the game files, but contain invalid data. I’ll try to fix that for next version.
- When one of the assigned productions of the Nightclub production is full, “Trigger Assigned Production” will cause the game to start a siege on your nightclub. This is programmed this way in the game files, so keep that in mind.
- v0.9.3 When starting the menu on GTA5.exe version 1.0.2628.2 you’ll get a warning “Incompatible version detected”. For v0.9.3 and game version 1.0.2628.2 only this warning can be ignored!
- When teleporting going under the map for over 6 seconds will kill your player. This is a game issue. Use predefined teleports as much as possible.
- The mechanic won’t bring your vehicle if you have “Disable Kick to SP” protection enabled. I’m not going to fix this. Use “Get PV” in the online services, or disable to protection.
- Nightclub and MC production triggers have become slower in the latest update (v2612). Don’t blame it on Modest Menu.
- Sometimes spawning a vehicle via Pegasus won’t succeed. You’ll get a refund instead. I’m still looking into this.
- After disabling the waterproof option for a car, it will bounce on water instead of submerge. Consider it a feature.
- Using the online Repair Vehicle option may trigger an endless death-loop in the game. It’s a bug in the game, I can’t fix this, that’s why there’s a warning sign.
- MKII ammo may become broken after using Max Ammo/Max All Ammo, Infinite Ammo/Clip.
- Anonymous vehicle spawning won’t work when there’s something in the way, e.g. an existing vehicle, npc or object. Reposition a bit or walk while keep trying.
- Sometimes getting your personal vehicle won’t work the first time. After that it should work fine.
- Without an empty garage slot, you won’t be able to use the “Personal Vehicle Spawning” method. Use Pegasus and/or Anonymous instead.
- For most items with ranges in the mod (e.g. Weapon Range) you need to press the action-key (Numpad 5) to apply the change. I may choose to change this in the future.
- Vehicle God mode and gravity changes are gone once you enter a new vehicle. This is because these are a per-vehicle setting. The only time the “Godmode” bit is toggled for a vehicle, is when you actually press the godmode button. The only time gravity is changed is when you change it using the menu.
- Vehicle settings like handling options are restored for the previous vehicle once you enter a new one. This is intentional, vehicle handling options apply to all vehicles in the game that have the same model so also the ones NPCs drive.
- Weapon settings like range and damage are restored once you switch to a different weapon. This is intentional, these weapon options apply to all weapons in the game that have the same model so also the ones NPCs are using to shoot you…
- Off Radar (online) is patched and will only work for one minute. Use Ghost Organization instead.
- New kicks are easy to find, so the Force Kick protection will not always work on every type of kick.
- Probably one of the online protections or unlimited clip may interfere with the Prison Heist in case you are the prisoner. So far it is unsure exactly which option.

How to Use GTA V Kiddions Mod Menu Hack?
- Click the download button below and download the zip file.
- Extract the folder inside the zip file to any location. (rar password:123)
- Open GTA 5 Game and enter online mode. (you can also enter the story if you want)
- Run the modest-menu_protected.exe file inside the folder as administrator.
- After running the cheat, the menu will open automatically, but if it doesn’t, you can open it by pressing the F5 key.
GTA 5 Kiddions Mod Menu Cheat Keybinds
<F5> to show/hide the menu,
<Numpad 0> to go back,
<Numpad 8> and <Numpad 2> to navigate up/down through the menu options.
<Numpad 4> and <Numpad 6> to decrease/increase the current value.
<Numpad 5> to activate an option, toggle its value or applying any changed setting.
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