CSGO External Aimbot Cheat is a great free csgo cheat with advanced aimbot spray. It is one of the csgo cheats that allows you not to eat red trust with a backfire control system. We recommend this amazing csgo cheat, which is very rare, only to legit players! If you have a non-angry structure and your aim is a little good, you can easily rank up a lot without being banned with this cheat. With this cheat I will give the simplest example from myself, I rose to the LEM rank and rose very easily.
As you know, CSGO Game is an FPS game and it is one of the popular games known for its different fun modes, whether competitive matches. With this csgo aimbot cheat you will have a lot of advantages and it will be extremely relaxing to beat your opponents.
I am sure there are some among you who do not know what aimbot means. In summary, this cheat will aim at the opponents for you and make accurate shots at them. This aimbot cheat works with a combination of keys and you can turn it on or off whenever you want. If you want the opponents to be locked in their head, you should keep it open. In addition, you can be sure that it will automatically spray for you, this hack contains all the features you are looking for in full.
CSGO Aimbot Hack Features
- Aimbot (1 = On / 0 = Off)
- Aim Key
- Field Of View (0.1 – 39)
- Bone: The Bone to aim at Bones
- Smooth: Smoothed aim move. The higher the value, the lower the aim speed
- RCS: Recoil Control System + Standalone RCS (1 = On / 0 = Off)
- And More !CSGO External Aimbot Hack!

How to Use CSGO Aim Hack
- Download aim hack from the “Download” button below.
- Extract the archive anywhere. (Password:123)
- Start the Aimbot.exe
- Settings.cfg file should be generated.
- Make your settings for every weapon.
- Press F9 to reload the config.
As you know, currently, most of the cheats shared on external sources throw RED Trust, but the probability of getting red trust in cheats we share as cheater.world is very low, because we encrypt and develop it in the best way to ensure this. You can believe you will not get red trust in this csgo cheat.
Requirements for the cheat to work:
Open your console in the CSGO Game with the ” button and enter the following codes in order;
m_rawinput 1
m_customaccel 0